Fundamental Research Grant Competition
Competition aims at creating new knowledge, theories and models, integrating research results in the academic process, engaging young scholars in the research process, attracting the youth, internationalization, implementing joint projects by the university and foreign universities, and developing high quality scientific researches. The research results should contribute to the long-term prospect of scientific, social, economic, cultural, etc. development at national and / or international level.
The projects participating in the competition should be thematically consistent with the accredited higher educational programs of the Caucasus International University and should contribute to their development. The project can be submitted according to the following directions:
See information about the announced competition in the news category of the portal.
Rules for funding academic and scientific activities
In order to support scientific and academic activities, the university operates rules for funding academic and scientific activities, which include the funding of publications, organization of
scientific-academic events, participation in scientific-academic events and other initiatives. Funding conditions are based on a peer review system, responsibly applied quantitative criteria
and transparent processes. In order to request funding, you should apply to the dean's office of the relevant faculty.
Co-funding of grants and research activities
The University provides co-funding to academic staff and young scientists to attract and implement various grant funding. From 2019 to 2024, CIU-affiliated academic staff and students raised grants from various donor organizations, and CIU provided financial support in the form of co-funding totaling GEL 148,743. In order to request funding, you should apply to the Scientific Research Department.