Doctoral Program in Law – 3000 GEL
Program workload: 180 credit units, duration: 3 years, 6 semesters.
The program consists of academic and research components. Academic component includes major compulsory and optional modules.
Qualification to be awarded – Doctor of Law.
The learning outcomes of the program are in conformity with the third level of higher education and the qualification awarded.
Mindia Ugrekhelidze - Program supervisor, Affiliated Professor of the faculty of Law.
The program has been implemented at the faculty of Law since 2014-2015 academic year.
Doctoral Degree Program in Political Science – 3000 GEL
Duration: 3 years, 6 semesters.
Qualification to be awarded – Doctor of Political Science;
The program modules: academic and research components. The academic component consists of compulsory and optional modules.
Tamar Kiknadze - Program supervisor, Affiliated Associate Professor of the faculty of Social Sciences;
The learning outcomes of the program are in conformity with the third level of higher education and the qualification awarded.
The program was implemented at the faculty of Social Sciences in 2017-2018 academic year.
Doctoral Educational Program in Business Administration – 3000 GEL
The volume of the program: 180 credits, duration of the program 3 academic years, 6 semesters.
The program consists of study and research components. The study component entails compulsory and optional modules of the major.
Qualification to be awarded – Doctor of Business Administration.
The learning outcomes of the program are in compliance with the third level of higher education and the qualification awarded.
Tea Kasradze – Program Supervisor, Affiliated Professor of the Faculty of Business.
Doctoral Educational Program in Mass Communication – 3000 GEL.
Program workload: 180 ECTS credits; Minimal duration 3 years, 6 semesters.
The program comprises of academic and research components. The academic component consists of compulsory and optional academic courses.
Qualification to be awarded – Doctor of Mass Communication.
Khatuna Kacharava - Program Supervisor, Affiliated Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The program was implemented at the faculty of Social Sciences in Spring Semester of 2020-2021 academic year.